Show-Me Chapter Scholarship
Details for the 2021-22 Scholarship
Applications must be emailed/postmarked by November 29, 2021 (the Monday after Thanksgiving)
For complete details, choose your preferred format and click on the following links…
Scholarship Application form, Word version
Scholarship Application form, PDF version
Scholarship Details, Word version
Scholarship Details, PDF version
Essay Background Information:
The theme for the 2022 Show-Me SWCS Scholarship is “Contagious Conservation”.
In today’s world, the word “contagious” may be getting a bad rap. Plenty of undesirable things are contagious, like a cold or the flu, but, in a similar way to a disease spreading, an emotion or attitude can spread and affect others. It’s difficult to stay in a bad mood when you are around someone who is happy. Their cheerfulness is contagious! Excitement about a topic can, also, be contagious. If you are excited to teach someone about something that you enjoy, or find really interesting, it is likely that they will, also, develop a desire to learn about that topic, watch that video, or try that hobby. Contagion can be a very good thing… when it has the right focus.
Essay Topic:
Through your essay, we want you to explore ways to convince others of your excitement for natural resources and the natural world. In this essay, we want you to look at the Missouri Learning Standards for Science, 6-12th grade, and present a lesson plan that gets us excited to learn more about the standard that you select.
Missouri Science Learning Standards are available at This Standards document covers topics such as matter, forces and motion, energy, waves, organisms, ecosystems, ancestry, diversity, natural selection, the solar system, plate tectonics, water, climate, natural resources, human impacts, engineering, and much more. Your Science or Agriculture teacher will likely be a good resource to help you to understand the Standards, and for helping you pick one about which you are excited to teach others.
Pick one of the 6-12 Science Grade-Level Expectations (Standards), include the standard identification number (i.e. 6-8.PS1.A.1) and topic, and then write your essay about how you would teach someone about that subject. And get us excited about it! Many of these topics are broad, so feel free to narrow down your lesson to a smaller portion of the larger Standard. Include details about research that you, or the students, might do, experiments, hands-on activities, field trips, or case studies. You may include one (1) picture, in your essay, to help the judges visualize key points of your lesson or activity.
Scholarship applications must include a 3 to 5-page essay (please include sources).
Applications documents should be sent to
Kim Vinson at
or 11277 NE Witt Rd, Cameron, MO 64429
Applications must be emailed (preferred) or postmarked by November 29, 2021 (the Monday following Thanksgiving).
Scholarship recipients will be recognized at the Missouri Natural Resources Conference, February 1-3, 2022, at Margaritaville Lake Resort, Lake of the Ozarks. Exact time and date will be provided to the scholarship winner(s) and their families. Cash awards will be made directly to the recipients’ college or university for the Fall 2022 term.