Scholarship and Awards
SWCS Show-Me Chapter Scholarship – $1000
Deadline: The Monday after Thanksgiving
Karen D. Brinkman Memorial Scholarship – $500
New for 2021 Due date is Jan. 1 of each year
Charles P. Bell Conservation Scholarships – $250-600
Application Form Due date is Jan. 31 of each year
Ed Stengner Natural Resource Scholarship – 5 x $1000
Application Form Due date is Jan. 31 of each year
Additional Conservation Federation of Missouri scholarships available
Selected Scholarships for Natural Resource Students
1) Research Scholarship—made possible by Kenneth E. Grant
2) Soil Conservation Scholarship—made possible by Donald A. Williams
3) Student Leader Conservation Scholarship—made possible by Melville H. Cohee
Professional Development Fund – To assist with expenses incurred by members during participation in workshops, conferences, and other events. Printable Form – Word Printable Form – PDF